Mirror Mirror on the Wall

"Mirror Mirror on the wall"....I'm sure that you remember this famous line from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs when the evil queen askes the mirror, "Mirror Mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?" and of course the mirror replied that it was Snow White and you know the rest of the story. Most of the time when we're looking in the mirror, we're making sure that everything is in tact or doing a final inspection before we walk out of the door.
When we look in the mirror we see what...our REFLECTION. When you look in the mirror, have you ever asked God, "what do You see in me" or asked Him, "God when people see me, do they see You?" Is it something that you have ever thought about asking? Have you ever wondered how God views your life or do you worry that He sees your flaws and mistakes and loves you less? Don't worry because God knows you perfectly and LOVES you just as you are!
You are His greatest masterpiece; His WORK of art. God hasn't completed His "painting" of you. He continues to paint the colors of your life in a way that you will glorify Him. Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10 that "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Although our lives still remain on the "canvas of life", God has seen and finished the portrait!!
When God sees our lives, He sees a person of worth and great promise. Just remember that God is patiently molding and shaping our lifes into the Image of His Son!