The Purge!!!

Hey Fam!! It's been a little while since I've shared what I'm feeling today! As promised, I wanted to share with you all my "purging experience".
God allowed me to go through an experience like none other than before. There were things in my life that needed to be purged in every area of my life. For the last two weeks, God has been purging things from my life to make room for the Spiritual, Professional, Relational and Physical. So I guess you can say that just about every area was covered! I must say that the first few days were HARD! God instructed me to do some things that He knew that it would be hard for me to obey BUT He knew that I would do what He asked of me. I knew that I HAD to do it because I knew that obedience is better than sacrifice and what He was asking me to do was a BIG sacrifice to say in the least. What He asked me to do would always be between me and Him until He says otherwise. I knew that there was a blessing on the other side of my obedience. Little did I know what it all entailed.....
What God asked me to purge myself from for a period of time, was something near and dear to my heart. I was like God, are you for real? Why that God, why this? Really, can it be something else? But in reality, I knew that it could be done because God assigned me to do it. You see having a kingdom assignment on your life can be challenging at times and often you wonder if you're on the right track. God will reveal it to you and/or He will send someone in your life to confirm exactly what He told you to do. During this time, a sister had to pray constantly to not want to disobey God. Yep, that flesh can get up sometimes and you want to say forget it, I'm not going to do it. But that's the thing about God, He's such a gentleman. He doesn't force you to do anything. He gives you free will to obey Him. Now who wouldn't want to obey such a loving, merciful and gracious God?!
During my period of purging, I had to keep my emotions under control because there were moments when distress, depression and loneliness wanted to creep in! But what kept me was the constant time that I spent before God; praying to Him, reading His Word, listening to worship music and just simply being QUIET to hear what He had to say to His daughter. God revealed SO MANY things to me and there were times in which I was almost starting to doubt myself until God had to physically show me evidence that I was definitely on the right track and that I was hearing Him correctly.
Now don't get me wrong and/or think that everything was smooth sailing during all of this because it wasn't. The enemy was fighting me left and right and I STILL have to fight him daily BUT GOD!!! The enemy may appear that he's winning but he's not. God is about to come in and flip the script! I know that I was very vague about my purging experience but I shared only what God allowed me to share with you all. Maybe later on, God may allow me to share but right now, this is it. We all go through some type of purging experience in our lives. It's up to us in whether or not we actually allow ourselves to complete it or not. The thing about purging is that what God removes from your life, He turns around and places something even BETTER in its place!
Until next time,
Encourage. Empower. Exalt Christ.