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Don't Complain about your DOUBLE!!

Hey Family! You'll never guess how I received the inspiration behind today's posting! God gave it to me in the DRIVE THRU with my mom! God is just amazing like that! Well we were on the way to the hospital to go see my dad (MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE - I will have to post about that soon) and we stopped to get my mom some breakfast and also my father requested some coffee! So the request was for 3 splenda and 2 hazel nut creamers. So we paid for our food and once we pulled off, my mom looked in the bag and said, I only asked for 2 hazel nut creamers and they gave me 5. I told her don't complain about your double and that's when it hit me like a ton a bricks about what today's blog was going to be about!

So many times, we ask God for Him to bless us and once that He does, we say wait God, I didn't ask for all of that, how am I going to handle all of this? We may not want to admit it but I know that we've said it at least ONCE in our lives in some shape form or fashion. We pray and pray and pray to God for the blessing and once we receive it, we PANIC because we feel like that we're not ready for all that we have prayed for when God sees that we are ready for it.

I believe that the reason why it "appears" that God is taking His time to bless us with certain blessings is because there are some things in us in which He has to work on in us. We may not see it or want to admit it (ah I have my hands up raised here - ME - transparent moment) but in order for God to TRULY bless us with what we have petitioned before Him or simply some of the AWESOME things that He wants to bless us with because we are His Children, there is some things that He has to work in us, remove out of us, take us to and away from in order for us to REALLY appreciate what He's about to bestow upon our lives.

When we finally get to the place where God says okay, My son/daughter is ready for what he/she has been praying for, I'm about to POUR OUT My Blessing on them, and when we get it we say God that's too much, we are literally saying to God, thanks but no thanks! When we do that, it's a sign of ungratefulness and when we need God to come through for us again, it may just take LONGER because of our short comings/what we allowed to come out of our mouths (VALUE and WATCH your words)!

So, the next time that God blesses you DOUBLE....don't complain or get anxious because you feel like you can't handle it. You can because if God didn't see that you were ready to receive not only your blessing but a DOUBLE PORTION...He knows that you are WELL ABLE to handle it and most importantly give Him honor and thanks for it!



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