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Guess what? God is STILL good!!!

Hey Family!!! It's a beautiful Monday!!! God has allowed you to see another day to be a part of the beautiful and magnificent plan that He has for you!!! I'm just excited of the AWESOME things that God not only has for YOU but what He has for ME!!!

You know guess what? No matter what is going on in your life, it may look or appear to look bad but our God is STILL GOOD!!! I tell you no matter it's going on in your life, the chaos that may be going on in your life, just know that God is still good and He has you! His plans are to bring LIFE and not death!

Today's blog is a little bit different from the norm; Usually when I blog, it's from a transparency place in my life in which I share to as to an inspiration and/or encouragement to you. I want to share with you some valuable nuggets that was deposited in my life through guess where...FACEBOOK! Yep, you read that right...FACEBOOK! Facebook and other social media sites are great tools to reach people; it's in all how you use it. Below you will find a combination of those awesome nuggets in addition to some of my insights on how GOOD God is!!

If you follow me on Facebook, you may see that I share encouraging and powerful Words of Encouragement from Pastors such as Bishop Charles Mellette, Pastor Joel Osteen, Pastor Paula White and Pastor Marcus Gill. On last night (live), Pastor Marcus Gill (of The RUSH Church in New Haven, CT) shared a live post of 3 Ways To Keep Your Joy. He shared with us this and I quote, "When things look bad, God is STILL good!"

You know when you feel like that you are in the middle of some type of storm. You look and you can see everything that's precious to you in the cyclone that's surrounding you BUT you have to remind yourself that although you may be in a storm, God has you in the middle; the EYE of the storm where there is Peace, Stillness and the Reassurance that He is WITH you!

Here are some of the nuggets that I gleaned from last night's live chat of Pastor Marcus and I pray that they will be a blessing to you as they blessed and encouraged me:

* You have a Reason, Responsibility and Right to praise God!

* Pain has a purpose.

* The Joy of the Lord is LIVING in me!

* Joy is in your mouth (***Learn how to decree and declare that you are walking in joy! Remember that life AND death are in your tongue! Proverbs 18:21)

3 Ways to Keep Your Joy

1. Learn how to declare that you HAVE joy (SPEAK joy into your life)!

2. Do things that bring you joy!

3. Connect with people who are joyful (Evaluate your circle! Are the people who are in your circle bring you joy or do they drain joy from you?)

My prayer is that if there is anything or anyone that is trying to derail you from receiving and obtaining the JOY that God wants you to have, that God will remove those obstacles out of your way and clear the path for you to receive ALL that God has for you! His plans for you are so AWESOME and He is ready for you to experience ALL that He has for you! Remember, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


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