
Okay, I'm sure that you're wondering okay Olivia what in the world can you tell inspire us about BUGS?! Just stay with me on this and by the end of this post, you will definitely will make the connection of BUGS!!
On this morning as I was pulling out of the driveway, I looked to my left and saw a small bug on my window. The first thing that I did was tap on the window just to make sure that the bug was not on the inside of the car (I absolutely hate bugs) and to my relief, the bug was on the outside of my window.
So as I was going down the main road, I saw that the bug was still there on my window and I was really astonished of how no matter how fast (those that know me personally, know that I can really drive fast) I was going down the road, that little bug held on to my window and didn't go anywhere. I was really amazed at how that little bug held on to my window.
As I was driving down the road, God spoke to me and stated, look at that small bug; see how it put its head down in the midst of the turbulance. No matter how hard the wind was blowing or how fast things were going, the bug was able to endure throughout the "storm" that you created. That is how you should be...in the midst of the storm that may come, you have to put position yourself to stand within the storm. Even it the midst of all that is going on around you, hold on to Me, don't let go and see that I will bring you out of the storm. I was like okay God, I'm going hold on to you throughout this entire process!
When I came to a stop, I saw that the bug was STILL on my window and God said, look daughter, see how throughout all of the rush of the wind, this bug held on to the window and was able to ENDURE the process. I was completely amazed because I was going really fast yet that small bug held on. When I looked again, the bug was gone! I thought to myself, I JUST saw this bug on my window and now it's gone. God said, it endured the storm and I released it to fly off......when you endure through a storm and it passes over, I will let you know when to let go and fly away!
WOW!!! What a revelation to me!! I said okay God, I have my faith in YOU that
I'm going to be one of the BUGS that you placed here on earth....Being Under God's Safety