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Watch out!! BLIND SIDE!!!

Hey!!! It's been a couple of days since I've posted out here in LibFiles! I've actually been under the weather and I have totally missed sharing with you all! But I made sure to say a little something each day! I have quite a bit to fill you all in on because two days is a whole lot!! Today I want to just talk about "Watch out...BLIND SIDE!!" A couple of days ago as I was flying down the highway (yes I have a heavy foot but it has greatly improved!!) I was looking and paying close attention to the vehicle that was in front of me because they were going from one lane to the next (like they didn't know which lane to stay in). I was like okay this car is having some serious issues on this morning so let me just focus on this car that's in front of me. Immediately my mind went back to when I went through driver's ed and one of the most important directions that was given was to "Always pay attention to what's going on in front of you, on each side of you and also in the back of you. Most importantly make sure you are careful to check your rear and side view and you may have to turn your head (those that have more up to date vehicles...there's a blindside mirror made onto your side mirrors) because of your "BLIND SIDE". Now in life, we are so focused on what's in front of us that we don't take the time to look on each side of us and in the back of us, am I right? Let's be real....okay let me be transparent for a moment...recently I was so focused on one particular thing (that I put in my VIEW) that I wasn't looking at, paying attention to what was going on around me, listening to the "warning signs" until I got BLINDSIDED, which caused me to "press the brakes, put my emergency lights on and pulled over to accessed what happened." Now what happened to me could have caused some serious damage to "me" but thank God what was on each side and the back of me...GOODNESS, GRACE and MERCY what the enemy aka "Blind Side" was trying to run me over with or side swipe me with, I could have easily been damaged, BUT GOD!!! In Psalms 23:6 (KJV) "Surely goodness and mercy SHALL follow me all the days of my life: and I WILL dwell in the house of the Lord forever!" Remember to watch out for those "Blind Sides"!!!

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