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Testing 1.2.3....God is this on??

Happy Friday!!! Wow! We have made it to the end of another week!!! Yes we have experienced some HIGH moments on this week and we may have experienced some low moments on this week as well! Let's keep it 100%.....this week was probably a roller coaster ride in which you wanted to say "Hey get me off of this thing!!" But we had to stay on the ride until the very end and that was when we could finally get off!

Earlier on this week, I shared with you with you all about "It's Dark, I can't see!" If you didn't get a chance to read it, I encourage you to go and read this blog...hey you can read all of them!! Anyway, in this particular blog, I had talked about how learning how to trust God even when it's dark! About three hours after I posted that particular blog, I received a text message from my mom telling me that she was being transferred from the doctor's office to the main hospital to get further testing and etc. Of course the first thing that I did was panic...I mean that's the normal human reaction. My co-worker who is a Believer just like me, said Libby calm down, don't you TRUST God? That stopped me right in my tracks and calmed me immediately and brought me back to reality. I said yes I do trust God and I looked up and I said God I TRUST YOU!!

As I traveled to the hospital, I began to have my 1:1 time with God praying for Him to take control and believed Him for His divine healing. Long story short, my mom's tests results came out fine and was discharged about five hours later! As we were preparing to go home, I received a phone call from my younger sister telling me that she was taking herself to the ER near my parent's house. I was like God, for real?! What in the world is going on!!! I prayed over her and started my route to go and pick up my nephew from the ER so he could go to sleep. Got in my car and saw that my tire pressure light was low giving me indication that something wasn't right! You want to talk about PRESSURE!!! I was almost at my point of saying God I can't do this anymore BUT the God in me wouldn't allow me to even go there! As I pulled over to a gas station to put some air in my tires, I told God, Father I need your help, I can't do this..I need for you to come and help me! Immediately I felt strength from God and my "low pressure" light went off and I knew that all would be better. Oh my sister....her test results came out GREAT too!! God is so awesome!!!

Okay so ALL of that was on Monday! I know that you're saying what, all of that happened in one day....yep it did!! A few days later, I was brought face to face with another situation in which I felt like God, I have come to the end of my rope with this, I can't do this anymore! I can't do this anymore! I felt that I was at a point in which I was like why continue on this journey, why continue to do this?! I am being very transparent at this moment. I laid my head back and just prayed to God and immediately the scripture of Phillipians 4:19 came to mind, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me". I said okay God, I thank You for the strength that You're giving me right now. God sent me strength and encouragement through my mom who said to me, "Libby you're always encouraging others through your posts. Your posts encourage me daily. Sometimes daughter you have to encourage yourself."

I thought about what she said and I was like God...testing this mic on??? I need your strength; I need for you to breathe on this situation; I need for You to breathe on me; I need for You to speak through me; I need for You to take control and set the atmosphere right now; Father I just need You. Isn't it awesome to serve the Only God who is there when you need Him? It's awesome to serve an Omnipresent God who can be there for me and for you at the same time!! Let me tell you, God showed up and showed out for me!

I could go on and on to let you know how the rest of my day went but just know that God saw me through it! I realize that I'm on a journey that only I am to walk through just like you're on a journey that only you can walk through! We have to stop forcing others to go on the journey that God strategically mandated just for us to walk through. In life, there are just some steps and experiences that ONLY you and God must take. Just remember that God will NOT bring harm to you BUT will prosper you and give you hope. He will NOT drop your hand! Remember our God is an INTENTIONAL God and EVERYTHING is working for YOUR good!! If you ever feel like God is not there or hearing you, just simply say, "Testing this mic on, God are You there?" and TRUST Him to answer you because He will!! All things are WORKING for your and my good!!!

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