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This means WAR!!!!

THIS MEANS WAR!!!! I know that you're wondering what in the world can I say about "This Means War"! Am I right or wrong? Yep, I knew that you were thinking it. I'm sure that you have said this phrase before or you may have heard it? In most cases, when this is usually means that "we" have had enough of what's been going on and we're ready to do something about it! It may mean taking actions to rectify the situation and to do what is needed to win the battle that you're in or about to embark on.

On last evening, I had the awesome opportunity to go with my family to see the number #1 movie "War Room". If you haven't had the chance to see this movie, I HIGHLY recommend that you go see this. The theater that I went to, it was so pack that my sister and I had to sit on the front row...yep it was that packed! Not to get into a lot of details of the movie (because I would hate to spoil it for you all) but the main characters was Ms. Clara, Elizabeth and Tony (I may have the husband's name wrong) but anyway, their marriage was in deep trouble and Ms. Clara was sent by God to help Elizabeth "war in the spirit" to help save her marriage, family and herself.

The movie was centered around marriage, infedelity, family, deceit, stealing and a whole lot of issues. Elizabeth didn't realize how much she needed God to come in and deliver her family until Ms. Clara showed her. The way Ms. Clara showed her was through the power of PRAYER!!! The Word of God speaks about how men (and women) should always pray (Scripture reference Luke 18:1) and that we do wrestle against flesh and blood (each other) but against principalities and rulers of dark places (the adversary) (Scripture Reference Ephesians 6:12) and that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but He (Jesus Christ) have come to give life and that more abundantly (John 10:10). Ms. Clara showed Elizabeth how to go into "war" with those things that the enemy tries to combact with. She showed her how to create what is called a "war room". In this room, you're able to really seek God 1:1 with your heart, seeking His face for direction and for strength for the battle. We need to dwell with God so much so that He hides us in His shadow (Psalms 91:1-2).

In this world, we are faced with so much trouble, heartache and even some pain. I mean you can look on the news, listen on the radio and most of all you can find it on Social Media to see what time we are living in. It's sad when there's no good news to report and the media tries to find some snippet to show in the last 60 seconds of the broadcast. You know we are at war each and everyday; whether we want to accept it or not. We're at war with our families. We're at war with our spouses. We're at war with our children. We're at war with our supervisors. We're at war with our friends. We're at war with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Sadly, we are at war with ourselves. The apostle Paul stated that when I want to do good, evil is always present (Scripture Reference Romans 7:21). Simply stating, everytime I have intentions to do what's right, there's always that part of me that wants to do wrong.

It's time to take our families back. It's time to take our marriages back. It's time to take our children back. It's time to take our careers back. It's time to take our relationships back. It's time to take the purpose of what Ministry is all about back (winning lost souls for Christ) and it's time to take back our mind and body back. I say that because "we" have allowed the enemy to come in and snatch our sanity! You are NOT crazy!! You are WHOLE in Christ!!! The Bible speaks about our minds being in Christ Jesus!! You have to know that He speaks to you! If you allow God to take control of your will be set free (Scripture Reference Phillipians 2:5) You must realize that the weapons that we must use to fight is not knives, guns and other weapons of destruction but they are through PRAYER and the pulling down of those things that hinder us from allowing God to use us (Scripture Reference II Corinthians 10:4).

Whatever the fight that you in, my prayer is that you realize, it's not with the person or situation but it's what's behind it and that's the enemy. Go into your secret closet so that you can seek God for guidance and strength for the war! But know this.....the battle is NOT yours....but it's The Lord's (Scripture Reference II Chronicles 20:15) and you don't have to worry about saying loosing because you know why? Our Father has already won the war for us!!!! Be encouraged!!!!

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