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Hate on me....

One of my favorite singers is Jill Scott also known as Ms. Jilly from Philly!! I love the way she sings with such emotion and her songs & lyrics I can relate to sometimes. Some of my favorite songs are: Golden, Whatever, When You're Around, Hate On Me, He Loves Me, Preparation and the list goes on and on. One of the songs that I mentioned, Hate on Me lyrics go a little something like this "If I could give you the world on a silver patter. Would even matter you'd still be mad at me. If I can find in all this a dozen roses; which I would give to you. You'd still be miserable in relaity I'm gon' be who I be and I don't feel no faults. For all the lies you bought. YOu can try as you may, break me down when I say. That it ain't up to you. Gone and do what you do. Hate on me hater; now or later, cause I'm going to do me - you'll be made baby. Go ahead and hate on me, hater, I'm not afraid of what I got paid for, you can hate on me."

Now I bet you're wondering or saying to yourself, Olivia where are you going with this? How is this supposed to be an inspiring and encouraging post? If you would just stay with me, you will see it very soon enough! This is a realistic topic that all of us have gone through and/or going through right now. Okay, now that's out of the way, let me proceed forward with what "I'm Feeling Today".

Growing up, you always wanted to be the person that everyone liked or at least that's what I thought and/or believed. But as I became older and continued on this journey that I call life, I realized that's not always the case. Sometimes, people do not like you or they hate on you just simply because. Yes that's silly isn't it but it's true or am I the only one who has gone through this? I bet that all of you are saying, Olivia/Libby (I go by both) we have been through the T-Shirt and proceeded forward. Well some people may have not gone through this or they are experiencing this right now and I wanted to reassure you that all is well and that you're on the right track.

Be thankful for your haters! You NEED haters in your life! For God stated that He will prepare a table for YOU in the presence of your enemies (Scripture Reference Psalms 23:5). When God manifests His PROMISES for YOU, even your enemies will have no other choice but to acknowledge that you're God's Child!!!

~ LibFiles

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