Fill it up!!!

My dad has always advised me, Libby don't ever let you gas tank get too low. When you see that it's half empty, go ahead and fill it back up because this will eliminate trash particals and debris from getting into your gas tank. Ask me how many times that I did this awesome advise. I must admit that I often missed the mark with filling it up when I saw that it was half empty. Me..I would wait until I get to the the quarter of a tank or almost down to empty! One time I remember running out of gas on the highway around less than 1 mile from my parents house! Thank God, I was able to get assistance to get me to my parents home. Yes I know shame on me! As I got older and really began to value my car, being more responsible and traveling more, I'm more conscience of what my the reading of my car is saying until empty.
On last night I was having a conversation with a very good friend of mine in reference to "going into the highways and byways" to compel the lost to come to Christ. She was like Libby I'm so caught up in making sure that I'm right, trying to keep myself straight, how am I supposed to go out and compel the lost to come when I'm struggling to stay on the straight and narrow? I told her, it's not a bad thing that you are working on yourself because the Word of God tells us that we need to work out our own soul's salvation (Scripture Reference Philippians 2:12). I told her how are "you" (generally speaking) going to be beneficial to the Kingdom to bring in the lost when you're running on empty?
I told her, there are many who need to pull into "God's Gas Station" and ask God to FILL us up please! Let's be real, some of us need to pop open our hoods and ask God to fix what's up underneath so that we can run properly again. We cannot afford to have any parts working improperly. Just like our cars needing "Tune Ups", we need to ask God to "Tune Us Up" too! Sometimes we can get "out of align" and need God to come in and align us up. We want to make sure that we are running properly so that we can go on the high ways and byways to compel the lost to come to Christ.
Don't allow your tanks to get empty; always make sure that you keep your tanks full and your "vehicle" is running properly!!!