First Aid Kit Please!!!

Yesterday afternoon as I was driving home, I felt like something was going on with my leg like an insect had bit me or something but I ignored it. I thought to myself, Libby maybe it's a mosquito bite or something no big deal.
As I was watching television on last night, I looked down at my leg and saw dried up blood on my leg. I was like what in the world is going on with my leg, why is there dried blood on my leg? I looked down and rubbed my leg to see what was going on and low and behold there was a big long scratch on my leg.
I could not remember how I got that long scratch on my leg. I don't remember running into anything and I definitely do not remember falling down. I got up and washed the blood off of my leg and allowed some air to get to it before I put the necessary products to assist with the healing process of my wound.
In order to be truly healed from hurt, you cannot simply put a "bandage" (brushing it off) on it and keep it moving. Sometimes you have to let the wound be "exposed" (be transparent), put some "peroxide" (Word Of God) on it to cleanse you and then allow some "air" (Breath of God) to start the healing process.
God will provide the "scab" (covering) to heal you from the root up. Sometimes we don't allow the healing to take place from hurt. We brush it off and then as soon as something else happens, we're bleeding again. We wonder why we're constantly bleeding from the same scab, it's because we did not give ourselves enough time to heal from the hurt.
In order to be really effective in life, to make a difference or to help someone; you must take the time out to heal first by identifying the wound (why you're hurt, who hurt you, how to proceed), washing it off and applying the peroxide (asking God to wash away those feelings of hurt, betrayal and anger) and get into His Word to breathe a newness of life into you which allows God to heal and provide the scab over the wound.
Once you're completely healed, someone may ask you, how did you get that scar, what happened to you? You can look down and it, smile and tell of the awesome testimony of how you were once wounded and how God healed you!!
Do you have everything in your "first aid kit" to heal you from your wounds?
~ LibFiles