Stay in the race!!!!

Yes it's Friday!!!! We made it!! If you're like me, you feel like this has been a long week for some reason! We stayed the course, we accomplished each milestone and we made it to the FINISH LINE. It may have taken some of us no time to reach our milestone (goals and etc) for this week but some of us, it may have taken a little bit longer but as long as you finished, you exceeded way past those who quit.
Some of the pictures in my collage are from some of the races that I ran on last year. I hate to admit it but I haven't done that great of a job with being physically active on this year but it's not too late to turn that around! Seeing these pictures has made me realize that I need to get back on the track...back on my grind!!! Yes, I have to encourage myself!
Running in a 5K was always a challenge for me. As you can see I'm not in the best physical shape but I endured to the end. The Word of God tells us that "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us RUN with endurance the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)
When running a race, have you ever noticed that there are people at different stations and on the side lines cheering you on! That's their job, to give you encouragement when you feel like you're about to quit! I remember one race in particular in which I was getting encouragement from some of the racers who were running ahead of me and/or beside me. They told me that I encouraged them to keep going. So when you feel like you're about to give up, throw in the towel and saying forget this, it's not worth it...remember that you have a cloud of witnesses cheering you on saying you can make it...don't give up...finish the race!!!
Remember to stay in the race because.....YOU GOT THIS!!!!