The Hidden Struggle

Hi family!!! It has been such a LONG time since I've had the chance to talk to you about "What I'm Feeling Today". So much has transpired since my blog teaser....yep a lot has happened over the course of the last 2 weeks but I'll talk to you all about that later. But first let's talk about...."The Hidden Struggle".
Everyday we get up, get dressed and go about our day. We smile, we interact with everyone as though life is perfect. To the person looking from the outside, they think that you have everything in tact, but on the inside, behind closed doors everything is falling apart; you're battling your hidden struggle.
Each of us are made up of different ethnic groups and were raised differently. Growing up in the African Amercian culture, one of the most common things that we were taught was "What happens in the house, stays in the house. Don't tell what happens in this house." Now this may have been different for you but the majority of us can atest that what happened at home stayed at home. I'm not saying that anything wrong happened in my child hood, far from it but in keeping it 100% with you all, I'm sure that the majority of you can say, yep I was raised that way too.
It's great to have friends and family in which you can confide in, even having a life coach and member of the clergy you can confide in is awesome! However there are moments in your life in which you find yourself going through the motions and healing with whatever you're walking through, alone...hiding from the world (friends, family and etc included) what may be what's trying to take you out.
Some of us hide it so well that we convince ourselves that all is well with us...all is well with the world...all is perfect in our world. When we find ourselves in that type of situation, we have reached a sad place in our lives in which we are lying to ourselves and we refuse to own up to the situation and to admit that something is wrong and we need help. I know that we may not want to admit it but we have all found ourselves in that situation or we may know someone that is that situation.
Almost 6 months ago, I found myself in my own "Hidden Struggle". My struggle was so hidden that I didn't know that it existed until it forced itself to be exposed. It was so bad in which it was having an effect on my body and I didn't realize that I was beginning to lose myself. I'm so blessed that I am surrounded by people who could see what was going on with me in which gave me direction in what way I needed to take. God's Grace covered me in which He didn't allow my "hidden struggle" to be exposed in which to bring me harm but it was exposed to those who were spiritually stronger than me to speak life into me, to expose and excommunicate those things, hinderances/spirits that were trying to take a sister out. Once I was able to overcome my hidden struggle and to get total deliverance from it, God opened up so many doors for me and He also closed those that were meant to bring destruction to my life. Not saying that everything has been easy for me since because I still have to spiritually fight the enemy each and everyday. But I want to testify of the Goodness and Faithfullness of God who had His Daughter every step of the way.
We are so blessed that God puts us in His secret place to protect us as we are literally crawling to make it through our hidden struggle. I want to admonish each of you, if you are dealing with a "hidden struggle"; don't be ashamed because even the strongest of us have had to deal with one in our life time and if we haven't, it doesn't exempt us from having to walk through one. Don't allow the spirit of PRIDE to keep you from being FREE!!! I want to encourage you to seek God for guidance and He will direct you in how to walk as a conqueror as you walk out of your hidden struggle to the exposed VICTORY in your life.