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I'm Expecting!!!!!

Happy Marvelous Monday!!!! I hope that you all are having a WONDERFUL day!!! I'm sure that this title captured your attention immediately didn't it? Before I get into today's blog...let me put it out there that I am NOT expecting a baby! But we're all expecting something right?

I had a small moment of writer's/blogger's blog on this weekend in reference to today's blog. I thought God, I have NO idea of "What I'm Feeling Today". As I was looking at the various postings and even during my teleconference call on this morning, everyone was talking about EXPECTATION. Reflecting over the last few weeks of my Pastor's sermon series declaring, "God, I cannot wait to see what You're going to do for me today!" gives or proclaims EXPECTATION!! If you are still waiting on the manifestation of God's promises for you....don't give up just're EXPECTING!!!

When a woman is expecting, her body goes through a lot of changes to prepare for the upcoming expectation.....a healthy bouncing baby! The closer that the mother gets to the due date, her body stretches to accomodate the growing baby. Cribs, diapers, clothing and other items are purchased so that the baby has EVERYTHING that's needed for it's arrival. Once the baby is ready to be delivered, the body positions itself to bring forth the anticipated expectation...a baby!! So when you're in your expectation stage, don't count it strange when you find yourself being stretched by God...He's just preparing you because what He has just for YOU, the state that you are in right now cannot accomodate it and He's making room IN you to receive the anticipated miracle, blessing to be released to you!!!

As the mother anticipates a healthy and beautiful baby, we should be in anticipation of the manifestation of the promise that God has given us. When God tells you that you're "expecting" to bring forth His promises for you; you must prepare and position yourself to birth it and bring forth the manifestation of the promise. It may be a promotion, spouse, business, financial blessing, ministry whatever it may be; just continue to believe and have faith in the promise God has for you!

As you begin to spend more time praying and reading God's Word, people will see a difference in you...even your countenance will change. If asked...just say, I'm expecting!!!!



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