The clock is NOT ticking.....

Hi Fam! I usually do not post blogs this late at night but I wanted to just share what was on my heart on tonight!
"If He says it, then that settles it!" When we look to God in faith, He will lead us according to His Will. Of course, this may not happen overnight! You know how we want things RIGHT AWAY (that microwave miracle but sometimes God wants to let it "cook on the stove"...ya know)! Many times God wants us to mediate on a certain Scripture over a period of time before He gives His guidance. Instead of being emotionally blown away (how many times have we've done that" I can't begin to count!) due to one thing happening over and over, we learn to stand firm in our commitment and TRUST in Christ.
God NEVER fails to keep a promise HE makes. He wants us to get in His Word and listen for His voice (this is where we have to step up and take responsibility for). God makes concrete promises, but we must be willing to PATIENTLY (I know that it's hard...believe me I know) WAIT for Him to fulfill them. Never try putting God in a time box (I've been guilty of that)! Instead, leave room for Him to bring EVERYTHING together according to His Plan (Jeremiah 29:11) and His Timing. You'll be glad that you did!
Remember this....."God is NOT a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" (Numbers 23:19). If He says it, then that settles it!!!!