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Don't know....ask

Happy Monday everyone!!! It seems like we just told our co workers, "Have a great weekend!" and now we're back at it again! It seems like the weekend just goes by TOO FAST but that excites me because on Monday, I get to share with you, "What I'm feeling Today"!!

I'm sure that you have had a conversation with someone and either you or that person would say something like, "I don't know, you may want to ask." Am I right about that? I mean we don't know everything (although sometimes we want to act like we know everything...come on confess it...ask my sister, she'll tell you that I try to pull the older sister card all the time, like I know everything!!) so why not broaden your knowledge by going to the source and just asking? I mean instead of assumption or preception (oh the "P" word!!!) just go and ask the individual who would know exactly what you are in search of!

Any time we spend wondering how we're going to get out of a "situation" is time wasted! Don't you know that God's guidance and direction is SUFFICENT for all of the tests, trials and tough tiimes that we go through? In order for us to benefit from those times, we must do like King Solomon did so many years ago. If you're not familiar with the story, God asked Solomon to ask for anything that he wanted and the king requested WISDOM (see I Kings 3:9). Now the average person would have asked for riches, long life and etc...but this man asked for WISDOM!!!

That God-given wisdom taught Solomon that only an unwise person would try to solve their life's problems without Him (ah...we've all done that right....GUILTY..but had to turn to God to fix it)! In this life, tests come in all shapes and sizes. Some we anticipate; others blindside us in the middle of a rainy afternoon; some test requires us to ENDURE, while others ask us to make the right decision immediately.

Regardless of how the "test" package is wrapped, God wants us to come to Him for wisdom that we DESPERATELY need. The Word of God tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE Him, And He shall direct your paths."

Remember, if don't know.....ask!



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