Let It Simmer.....

Good morning everyone!!! Yes it's Thursday....one more day to Friday!!! I know that I usually post on Mondays, but I wanted to share just a little something with you on today!!! As you can see, I included two extra pictures in my post on today....a microwave and a simmering pot!
This morning as I was cooking breakfast (yes I do cook....well I'm trying to do more of that now!! LOL) I was inspiried to share "Let It Simmer".
As I was preparing to cook my grits (yes I'm a southern girl all the way!!), I looked at the instructions on the box and they only gave the microwave instructions. Now usually I would try to do things the easy and quick but the way that I wanted my grits cooked, I knew that the quick and easy way was not an option for me on this morning.
I pulled out a small pot and measured my water for my grits and cut the stove on. While I was multitasking, I looked over at the stove and watched the water to come to a high boil. God spoke to me and stated, "There are things that you have asked Me for and YOU want it instantly...YOU want it quickly...YOU want the process to be quick. However there are times in which what you ask of Me, I have to take you through the process of just sitting there and allowing the "simmering" of your request to take place. Where I am taking you, it cannot happen quickly because if I do it too quickly, you will not understand the entire process of getting you where I want to take you. You may not be ready and I have to stick you back in for further heating!!! Where and what YOU want to be is not where and what I WANT you to be. Just continue to TRUST in the plan that I have for your life."
It's AMAZING what God can tell you but the simple things! That's just how He is...hearing from God is simply being QUIET to hear what He has to say to you. I know that we live in a "Microwave Mentality" in which we want everything RIGHT NOW....trust me....I'm learning that I cannot have it like that all the time. Thankfully, there are some things in which God DOES grant us in an instant...aka MICROWAVE because we NEED Him in that very instant....however, there are some instances in which He wants us to just sit there and simmer while HE does the work in US!
Have an awesome day and remember, if God has you simmering....don't be weary, don't give up...you will end with the same results of a "microwave" but God wants you to simmer and cook for a while!!!
~ LibFiles