Labor & Delivery

Hi fam!!! It has been such a long time since I've had the chance to sit down and just share "What I'm Feeling Today"!!! SO MUCH has been going on and I'm just like wait...sit down and just take a minute to share with your LibFiles Family!!
One of my favorite channels is to watch TLC, where it features shows like "A Baby Story". This show is centered around couples who are about to give birth. The show follows the couple as the mother goes through the first stages of labor, the intense/climax of the labor process to the actual delivery of the child.
I have no children of my own, however I was able to experience the birth of my nephew and the birth of my god-daughter. I saw how both my sister and best friend go through the stages of labor to the period of "birthing" or bringing forth another human life form.
Let's look at Sarah for a moment, who literally "Laughed all the way to the crib" (Sarah actually mens "laugh/laughter"). In Genesis 18:9-15, it talks about how Abraham, Sarah's husband, tells her that she was going to give birth to a son. She actually laughed in Abraham's face and reacted the same way that her husband did earlier when he received the news. You see Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 90 years old when their song Issac was born. Sarah thought that it was a mistake BUT if you look at Genesis 18:14 it states, "Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son."
Sarah's story represents something MUCH GREATER than one's woman's experience. It demonstrates God's unrelenting pursuit of each of us. Despite her faults and persistent lack of faith (clears throats) Sarah witnessed God turn the "IMPOSSIBLE" into reality and so can we!!! So just like God promised Abraham and Sarah that they will "BIRTH" a child, saw Sarah through the birthing process (LABOR and DELIVERY); God has ordained for you to bring forth something GREAT! He will be with you as you go through your labor pains (TEST, TRIALS and TOUGH TIMES), which is only for a moment before you BIRTH your DESIGNED GREATNESS for God's Kingdom!! It's time to GIVE BIRTH!!...PUSH!!!!